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What Are Veneers?

Veneers are extremely thin shells made from porcelain or resin composite material that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth to improve their appearance in terms of color, size, shape, and length.


Benefits of Veneers

They are customized to fit your unique smile while correcting a number of cosmetic issues including:

  • Stained teeth
  • Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
  • Irregularly shaped teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Uneven teeth
  • Worn down teeth
Did You Know?

Coffee, tea, soda, and wine are common beverages that can stain teeth. However, porcelain veneers are resistant to these stains and will keep your smile bright.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are looking for a way to permanently improve the color, contour, or alignment of your smile, then you may want to consider getting veneers. However, veneers are permanent and cannot be reversed once applied. To find out what veneers can do for your smile and if they are the right option for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sammons and Dr. Laurent of Dental Artistry today!

To apply veneers, Dr. Sammons and Dr. Laurent will first need to remove approximately one millimeter of your existing tooth enamel. Removing a small amount of tooth enamel establishes a base for the veneer and helps it to blend with your existing teeth. Without removing this layer, your teeth may look “bulky” or unnatural. Once this layer is removed, a light-sensitive resin is applied between your tooth and the veneer and then hardened in place with a curing light. This effectively bonds the veneer shell to your tooth.

There are also “no-prep” veneers that can be applied to your teeth without the need for removing any enamel. However, this option may or may not be an ideal choice depending on your individual case. No-prep veneers can be placed quicker and more comfortably since they do not require removing tooth enamel.

Placing dental veneers usually takes at least two dental visits. The first dental visit will focus on preparing your teeth for veneer placement by removing the enamel and taking dental impressions of the modified teeth. These impressions are sent to a dental lab and used to fabricate custom veneer shells. The second dental visit will focus on adhering these veneer shells to your teeth.

Although veneers require that a tiny amount of your enamel is removed prior to their placement, they do not ruin your teeth. They will, however, permanently alter the shape of your teeth because enamel cannot be replaced once it is removed. This is one of the cons to veneers, however there are many pros. After your enamel is removed, you may experience some tooth sensitivity for a few days while your teeth adjust. This sensitivity usually fades once your teeth have adjusted.

No. As long as you are taking care of your veneers like you would your natural teeth, the risk of developing cavities or tooth decay should not increase when getting veneers. Problems with cavities or tooth decay occur when people assume that they don’t need to take care of their veneers like natural teeth because they are not natural teeth. However, veneers function just as natural teeth would, so it is essential to brush them twice a day and floss them once a day.

Yes. Veneers are intended to look natural and part of looking natural is blending in with your existing teeth. To accomplish this, your veneers will be matched to your natural teeth with a color chart. However, many people choose to have their teeth whitened before having veneers applied. If this is the case, you will not be color matched until after your teeth have been whitened.

How long your veneers last depends on the material they are made from and the way you take care of them. Porcelain veneers usually last for about 10-15 years, however it is also possible for them to last about 20 years. Composite veneers have a shorter lifespan and generally last about 5-7 years.

To maintain your veneers, treat them as you would your natural teeth. You will want to be sure to brush twice a day, floss once a day, and visit our office semiannually for your dental checkup and cleaning. To help keep the bright color of your veneers, we will apply a specialized paste during your professional teeth cleaning. Besides practicing good dental hygiene, you will also want to avoid damaging your veneers by not biting or chewing on hard materials such as ice or nails, or using your teeth to tear packages.  

Let Dr. Sammons and Dr. Laurent of Dental Artistry transform your smile while you relax in comfort. Call our Lafayette office today at 337-406-1110 to wake up to the smile of your dreams

We Cater to You and Your Smile

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