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Exceeding Your Expectations Is Our #1 Goal

Where Art Meets Science to Create Beautiful Smiles. Because at Dental Artistry, We Cater to You…and Your Smile!

Dr. Sammons and Dr. Laurent
Welcome To

Dental Artistry

Welcome to our website. Our philosophy is to provide quality dental care, safely and comfortably. We understand that going to the dentist may not be your favorite thing to do, but we are here to make sure you have the best experience possible. Please explore our website to find answers to questions you may have.

Know the Doctors Request Appointment

I love these dentist. Wonderful experiences with drAnnannd drsam
Response from the owner: Thank you Ms. Faith! You are awesome!
Dr. Sammons is absolutely amazing along with the whole staff. Everyone is very friendly and makes sure you understand everything that is going on and what needs to be done with future visits.
Love Love. Wonderful staff.Dr.Ann Laurent. DR.Thomas the best.💜They are so professional. And loving people ❤they just care ..Can't wait for my next appointment. 💜❤thank you for today .
Response from the owner: Thank you, Mrs. Bonnie! We love having you as our patient!
They are very professional and kind! Dr’s are gentle & tell you everything you need to know . Don’t bend no corners with you . Can’t forget about RUTHIE at the front desk… the smile she greets you with when you first walks in. Lets you know how friendly everybody in the office is…. Would highly recommend ‼️🦷
I love going to my dentist office.
Dr. Sammons came highly recommended when I first moved to Lafayette and I have been going to him and his staff for a couple years now. I’m very appreciative of their knowledge, professionalism, and attention to me as a patient. The staff does a great job explaining the work they do and teaches proper preventative care for you as a patient. They have trusted partnerships with endodontists and other surgeons that they refer out to here in Lafayette for any specialty work. I recommend Dr. Sammons and his staff!
I love going to Dr. Sammons . He is nice and caring and actually listens to your problems you have and actually checks into all your problems. I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled out today and it was wonderful. They gave me pills to relax and also gave me a gas mask to make me feel more relaxed during my surgery . The whole time I was there was a great experience.. every time I go they never disappoint. We will always go to him for now on . Thank y'all very much for everything y'all do and will do for us Dr. Sammons and crew. Y'all are the best .
Response from the owner: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! We're delighted to hear that you had a positive experience with your procedure and felt comfortable during your visit. Our team is dedicated to providing attentive care and addressing all our patients' needs. We're grateful for your trust and look forward to serving you again in the future. We truly appreciate your kind words and ongoing support.
Had a great experience. Everyone was so friendly and professional. Check in was super easy and check out was just as smooth. My exam was quick, there was barely any waiting at all. Glad I chose this dentistry!
Response from the owner: Thank you for your wonderful review! We are thrilled to hear you had a great experience with us. Our team takes pride in providing friendly and professional service, and we’re glad to know our efforts made your visit enjoyable. We look forward to serving you again!
Quick work and diagnosis and really tried to give me the best help as quick as possible
Response from the owner: Thank you for your kind words and 5-star rating! We're delighted to hear that you had a positive experience with us. Our goal is to provide quick and reliable service to all our patients. We look forward to welcoming you back for any future dental needs.
Great people. Very kind and helpful. Would recommend 💯!!!!
Response from the owner: Thank you so much for your kind recommendation!

Practice Philosophy

When looking for a place to relax, how often does your dentist’s office come to mind? If it doesn’t, then you haven’t experienced Dr. Thomas Sammons and Dr. Ann Laurent Dental Artistry.

When you visit Dr. Sammons and Dr. Laurent, you will quickly discover a local family dentist that’s not a typical dental office–it more resembles a relaxing spa. We know that your time is a valuable commodity and we pride ourselves in honoring your busy schedule. Oh, and the daily fresh baked bread makes the office smell wonderful!

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Caring for All Your Family’s Dental Needs

Dental Artistry

101 West Martial Avenue
Lafayette, LA 70508



Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 7:40 AM – 4:10 PM
Friday: By Appointment

Pay Here


123 Street, Suite #
City, ST 55555


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM